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Constitution and By-Laws Revised 2018 ARTICLE I Name Section 1. This organization shall be known as the National West of England Tumbler Club. This organization herein shall be referred to as the N.W.O.E.T.C. ARTICLE II Object or Purpose Section 2. The object of this club is to encourage the breeding and exhibiting of all varieties of the West of England Tumbler pigeon (referred to herein as West). To promote friendliness and good fellowship between fellow members and all persons interested in the West. To supply helpful and interesting information through literature, and help assist in the further development and popularity growth of the West. This club will be affiliated with the National Pigeon Association. ARTICLE III Membership Section 3. Memberships may be any of the following classes: (a) Individual membership: Any individual interested in the West and their development, and agrees to abide by this Constitution and By-Laws is eligible for membership. Junior Members must be age 8 through 16, Senior Members over 16. (b) Family membership: This membership to consist of husband, wife, and junior memberships. This membership shall entitle both husband and wife to all N.W.O.E.T.C. rights and privileges except only one bulletin will be issued for a family membership. (c) Membership fees: Membership Fees are to be set by the Board of Directors The annual dues shall become due and payable on January 1st of each year, and must be paid before March 1st or membership automatically ceases. (d) Removal: Any member can be removed from membership by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Removed members can apply for reinstatement by submitting a written request no sooner than November 1 of the year prior to the requested year of reinstatement. Such requests will be voted on by the Board of Directors, a two-thirds vote being required for reinstatement. Only one reinstatement request per person per membership year will be considered. (e) Voting Privileges: Each individual, both husband and wife of a family membership, who has been a member for the entirety of the current year is entitled to one vote on all club matters requiring a vote. (f) All present life memberships shall be honored, but no new life memberships shall be accepted. There shall be no honorary memberships.
ARTICLE IV Annual Meeting and Show Section 4. The annual show shall be held at the National Pigeon Association Grand National Pigeon Show. Also at this show the annual meeting will be held. The Director of the district in which the show is being held will be responsible for setting up a room for the annual meeting. ARTICLE V Quorum Section 5. In order to hold an annual meeting, at least two officers and/or directors, and at least five members must be present. This shall be the number for a quorum (this number subject to change by the Board of Directors with growth of members and districts). Because of the large area that the N.W.O.E.T.C. covers, it is impractical to expect a large representation of the membership to be present at any meeting. Therefore meetings will serve as a meeting of minds to prepare motions to be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. The Board shall, through a vote, either reject the motion, amend the motion, or adopt the motion as presented or if a change to the by-laws, the Secretary/Treasurer will prepare a ballot on any motion approved by the Board and shall mail same to all members. Ballot to be marked, and returned to the election commissioner on or before the closing date indicated on the ballot. A two-thirds majority vote of the members voting will make the motion an Article or By-Law of the N.W.O.E.T.C.
ARTICLE VI Officers Section 6. The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Eastern Vice President Western Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer/Band Director , one Director from each district, and an Election Commissioner. The Board of Directors will consist of the President, Eastern Vice-President, Western Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer/Band Director and one Director from each of the six districts. Methods of Election Section 7. Officers shall be elected in the following manner: (a) All officers with the exception of the Election Commissioner shall be elected by mail or email ballot to be conducted by the Election Commissioner, and certified by the President as provided in the By-Laws. (b) The Election Commissioner shall be elected by a majority vote of the newly elected board of directors and shall not hold any other office. (c) Removal: Any officer can be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. The vacancy will be filled by a member appointed by the president. The president shall not be able to appoint the officer who has been removed.
Terms of Office Section 8. The President, Eastern Vice-President, Western Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer/ Band Director, Election Commissioner, and District Directors shall be elected every other year for a term of two years, to serve until their successors are elected and installed. Section 9. The newly elected officers shall assume office during the beginning of new business at the annual meeting of the year in which the election takes place. Section 10. The President, Secretary/Treasurer/Band Director, shall be elected from the entire membership at large. The Eastern Vice-President, Western Vice-President shall be elected from members in their respected regions. (Eastern Vice-President elected from members in Districts 1, 2, 3 and Western Vice-President elected from members in Districts 4, 5, 6). The District Directors shall be elected from members within their respective districts. (One Director for each district.) Only members residing in a district shall vote for the Director of that district. District 1: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. District 2: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and District of Columbia. District 3: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Puerto Rico. District 4: Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas. District 5: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota. District 4: Utah, Colorado, New Mexico. District 5: Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Alaska. District 6: California, Arizona, Nevada and Hawaii. **Canadian Members: Canadian members shall be included in the district that is directly south of their residence. If no district is directly south, they shall be included in the district nearest to their residence. (a) As a district grows, a new district can be established with the approval of the Board of Directors, and the existing districts or district that the proposed district will be formed from. It will take a two-thirds majority vote of the members in the districts involved in the expansion. (b) Realignment of a district in forming a new one can only be done in an election year. (c) The number of N.W.O.E.T.C. districts will not exceed those of the National Pigeon Association. (d) Changes to district boundaries will take effect for purposes of election of officers immediately prior to nominations, and for determination of district shows upon installation of new officers.
BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Duties of the President Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the N.W.O.E.T.C. and shall act as Chairman of the Board of Directors, appoint all committees not otherwise provided for, appoint a publicity person, and fill all vacancies in office taking place between elections. He/she shall sign all documents requiring his/her signature, certify to the Election Commissioner's report, and perform all other duties pertaining to his/her office. If a Judge has not been selected for either of the Regional Young Bird Shows, or one of the District Shows by September 1 of each year, the President will then have the authority to appoint a Judge for that show. In an emergency situation (Judge cancels at the last minute, and not leaving enough time to contact the Board of Directors), the President may appoint a Judge for the Annual Show. Receive and review a copy of club bank statements each month ARTICLE II Duties of the Vice-Presidents Section 2. In the absence of the President, or in case of his/her inability to act, the Vice-President in whose region the annual meeting is being held, shall perform the duties of that office. In the event of death or resignation of the President, the Secretary/Treasurer and the District Directors, by majority vote, shall elect one of the Vice-Presidents to fill out the unexpired term. ARTICLE III Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall conduct all correspondence of the club, keep all the minutes of meetings and shall be custodian of all monies, books, papers, and other records belonging to the club. The Secretary/Treasurer also assumes the role of the Band Director unless another individual is approved and appointed by the Board of Directors. Section 4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep such books as are necessary in which shall be entered the amounts of monies received and disbursed by his/her office, and a complete list of the names and addresses of all club members and the dates of their memberships. Provide access to club account by the president and arrange for the bank to send a copy of the monthly bank statement to the president Section 5. The Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare an annual report to be presented at the Annual Meeting giving an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures for the current year, together with any suggestions and recommendations for the future welfare of the club. Section 6. On the first Monday in July of each election year, the Secretary shall mail to the last known address of each individual, club or organization, husband and wife of a family membership, a printed or mimeographed ballot to be so designated, and returnable to the Election Commissioner on or before August 15th. The ballot shall designate the offices to be filled (but give no names or prospective candidates) with lines on which the names of candidates may be written, allowing each member to express his or her preference for each office. Section 7. The two persons for each office (or more in case of ties) receiving the largest number of votes shall be the candidate for that office, and upon permission from the person nominated, the Secretary shall on or before September 1st, prepare and mail or email a ballot, to be so designated, to all club members, these ballots to be voted and returnable to the Election Commissioner via mail, email or in person on or before October 15th. The ballots shall contain full instructions as to the manner of marking it or alternatively emailing it, and designate the district from which Directors are eligible. No names shall appear on the ballot for more than one office. Section 8. The Secretary will also serve as Bulletin Editor, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, responsible for providing quarterly club bulletins informing all club members as to the activities that have been held and are to be held and provide general club information. The Board of Directors will have the right to designate someone other than the Secretary/Treasurer as Bulletin Editor without revising the club's by-laws. Section 9. Any remuneration of the Secretary/Treasurer for services rendered shall be determined by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE IV Duties of the Board of Directors Section 10. The Board of Directors shall have general supervision and control of all club affairs, promote the annual show, and in intervals between meetings shall have full authority to take action on any and all matters not in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws, as may be deemed for the best interest of the club. Board may make motions, as deemed necessary, for club approval between annual meetings. Section 10(a). It will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to choose the Judge and an alternate Judge, from the Certified Judges list, when available, for the Annual Show held with the N.P.A. Grand National. This should be done as early as possible, either at or shortly after the Annual Meeting. ARTICLE V Duties of the District Director Section 11. To promote the welfare of the club towards all members within their district. Will approve all district meets. Will appoint and assist show secretaries in matters concerning the proper conducting of all N.W.O.E.T.C. sponsored meets within their districts (e.g. making applications for certificates if applicable; informing show secretary of N.W.O.E.T.C. rules; assist in all other matters that need to be resolved). Forward show report to Secretary/Treasurer and Bulletin Editor. Provide Bulletin Editor with quarterly reports for publication in the club bulletin. Assist the newly elected District Director. Perform all other duties as may be necessary. ARTICLE VI Duties of the Band Director Section 12. The Secretary/Treasurer also assumes the role of the Band Director unless another individual is approved and appointed by the Board of Directors. The duties of the Band Director shall be to order from the manufacturer and be custodian and dispenser of all club bands. To keep strict account of the total number received from the manufacturer and sold on order to each individual, as well as an accurate record of the series numbers of each band sold and the name and address of the purchaser. All band orders must be sold in increments of 25. Payments by check or money order only, made out to the N.W.O.E.T.C., no cash, must accompany mailed band orders. No bands may be returned for refund. Section 13. One must be an individual or family member of the N.W.O.E.T.C. in order to purchase WEST bands from the N.W.O.E.T.C. Band Director. ). Bands will be mailed or can be picked up from the Band Director no earlier than the date bands are available from authorized NPA band distributors ARTICLE VII Duties of Election Commissioner Section 14. Within ten (10) days after closing date for voting (August 15th) or the receipt of nomination ballots, the Election Commissioner shall count the ballots returned to him/her and promptly announce the names of candidates for each office, and the number of votes received. Section 15. Within (10) days after closing date from the receipt of election ballots (October 15th) the Election Commissioner shall count all ballots returned to him/her and furnish the President with a report of the results as shown on the face of the returns. Section 16. No votes shall be counted except those on official ballots, properly marked and signed by the voting member. No change may be made on the ballot once cast, and no ballot shall be counted that is altered or changed in any way. For emailed ballots, signature is not required, however election commissioner shall verify the email address of the sender against email addresses of eligible voters. Section 17. After counting the nomination and election ballots, the Election Commissioner shall make a copy of each, carefully preserve and deliver the originals, either personally or by mail to the President within 30 days after closing date for his verification. The official results of the election, after verification by the President, shall be forwarded to the board for announcement to the membership and to the Secretary/Treasurer for publication in the bulletin. No results or partial results shall be made available prior to public announcement. Section 18. Any special election, or Motion Ballots sent from the Secretary to the general membership) for a vote, will be handled by the Election Commissioner. As with the General Election, he/she will count the ballots within ten (10) days after designated closing date, and will forward his/her count and ballots, to the President for his/her verification, the same requirements as in the General Election.
Section 19. All rules pertaining to operation of the N.W.O.E.T.C. will be part of the By-Laws. A. Show rules to be followed at all district, regional or national meets: 1. Birds must wear seamless band of correct size. Split banded birds may be shown, but must be entered as old birds only. 2. The Judge for any N.W.O.E.T.C. Show, must be a qualified and Certified Judge when a certified judges list is available 3. The regional Vice President will appoint a Judge for the Young Bird Show held in his/her region as well as any regional show. The District Director will appoint the Judge for the District Show held in his/her district. 4. NO ONE, but no one, will be allowed to talk to a judge while he or she is judging a class or classes. All questions are to be asked between classes. 5. Judges decisions to be final at all N.W.O.E.T.C. meets. 6. A correct and accurate account of placement of birds must be kept by the show secretary and available to all that show, upon request. 7. All coop tags are to be made on each bird with color, sex class, and band number. 8. Birds withdrawn from the show before completion of judging will forfeit all winnings unless approved by superintendent. 9. Anyone identifying his/her bird in the presence of a judge, gives the judge the right to disqualify the bird. Under this rule, any exhibitor may request a disqualification. 10. Awards given at all N.W.O.E.T.C. meets should be as follows: Champion Reserve Champion Best Baldhead Best Self Best Mottle Best Pattern Best Young Bird Best Junior Bird Shown A. Judges Qualifications (To be added at later time). B. Master Breeder Award Qualifications (Refer to the NWOETC Master Breeder Award Program). C. Master Judge Award Qualifications (Refer to the NWOETC Master Judge Award Program). D. Certificate System (To be added at a later time if wanted by members). E. Hall of Fame Award (refer to NWOETC Hall of Fame Program) Section 20. The order of business at the annual meeting shall be as follows. 1. Roll call of the officers. 2. Report of the President. 3. Report of the Secretary/Treasurer including the minutes of the last meeting. 4. Unfinished business. 5. Induction of officers (in election year only). 6. New business. 7. Discussion. 8. Adjournment.
Section 21. The Law of Common Courtesy shall be the guide of this club and the manner in which the annual meet will be handled, subject to the Constitution and By-Laws, and to such other official rules as may be adopted by the N.W.O.E.T.C. Section 22. The N.W.O.E.T.C. Standard of Perfection will be part of these By-Law and all changes or proposed changes to the Standard shall be governed by this Constitution and By-Laws
National West of England Tumbler Club